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This is a neat little game. I adore the idea of having a one-dimension view, and this game is one of the few that I found so far that played with this idea. As for the content, the puzzles are straightforward. You find coins and to get them, you travel around walls. The gameplay is a bit barebones, and I feel there needs to be more than just walls that can obstruct the player, whether it is walls that require a key to pass through, things that move the player or can be moved by the player, or things that can harm the player and reset the level. Adding walls to help "guide" the player can do a great deal to make sure that the player doesn't feel lost, as well as making sure that the player can't go to areas you don't intend for them to be such as behind the map. Finally, for a puzzler that has heavy emphasis on map exploration, I feel like the scrolling speed should be bumped up quite a bit or controllable by the mouse because it felt like it took too long to scroll through the entire map to understand it. Otherwise, this looks like a really promising game. It has a good foundation, but it just needs to be fleshed out more to make it more interesting.